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Saturday, February 21, 2009
Australia Bushfire
A few weeks ago, Australia was devastated and greatly affected by the deadly wildfire that killed more than 200 people. It was the worst wildfire in Australia wherein lots of people where affected of it. Thousands of houses were burned and people were homeless and the worst of it, some did not escape the raging fire that killed them. My sister then who was in Victoria explain to me how hot it is and its like a Christmas light from the mountain who were blazing outrageously. Until now, there are still four large fires that continue to burn across Victoria and the threat of new fires will be high this weekend according to the Fire Authorities. There will be no significant rain forecast and fuel loads continuing to dry out. "The combination of hot weather, northerly winds and the chance of lightning has pushed the fire danger warning to high and could increase fire activity over the weekend and Monday," With these situation, people in Australia should take an extra careful and protect themselves from the disease that may cause from the bushfire. An extra alert and ready at all times should be the priority of every individual.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentine Celebration
We have a good time celebrating valentines day with Noel and Keisha. Noel treat us for 3 days in a fine restaurant. He kept on complaining for the expenses but Keisha and I will just shrugged our shoulders and giggle. We know in our hearts that Noel loves to treat us and contented to see his family happy. Keisha would select for the place on where to dine and we just agreed on her. Mostly we dine at Penongs barbecue Haus situated along Times Beach. We love to hear the sound of the water and the rustling of the waves while dining. On the third day of treating us and its Valentines day, Keisha and I say our endless thank you to Noel and he was glad that finally his effort were paid off. I know deep in his eyes, that he was very happy upon hearing those words and Keisha kiss him all over the face by saying I love you Daddy. It was a great time spending valentines day with your loved one.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentines Day
Today is Valentines Day. Happy Hearts day to everyone.!!!
We were in the mall looking for spare parts needed by Noel in his car. I notice one flower shop that has a lot of customers mostly male buying those lovely roses. They bought by dozens and some were arranged with full decorations of balloons and teddy bears. I know prices of such things were very expensive in this Valentines day but still people who are romantic still express their love through flowers. Prices of roses will go as high as P800 pesos per dozen. Wow! Imagine that? When in fact , in ordinary days, roses could only be bought for P65 pesos per dozen. Anyway, to those people who are in love and want to celebrate valentines day they bought flowers to be romantic and besides flowers especially roses gives an ultimate love signs and can say more than a thousand words.
Friday, February 6, 2009
The drama Series on GMA -Ang babaeng hinugot sa aking tadyang
Every night after doing my household chores and everything was settled I find time to watch the show in the television soap drama series in GMA. At first I was so intrigued with the story and the title itself Ang babaeng Hinugot sa Aking Tadyang (The Woman Pulled from my Rib), so on the first night of the show, me and my daughter Keisha were in front of the TV watching the said drama. At first, I got annoyed of the artist who played Proserfina, because for every scene that she will portray,she needs to shout, have the strong character and impulsively act as a bad girl. So in this situation I tend to change channels from time to time because I cant tolerate the shouting of the main character. But when I read from the newspaper about these drama series, that's where I learned the character of Proserfina portraying.It tells the story of Homer Alcaraz , a young businessman who leads a boring life and suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder. His relationship with Heleen , his fiancé, is falling apart and yet he is oblivious from it.He wakes up one morning, only to find Proserfina , an intriguingly beautiful woman, lying beside him. Proserfina is a psychotic spy, who is obsessed with Homer yet Homer doesn't know who she is and doesn't know she is obsessed with him and Prosefina doesn't want Homer to interfere with her own personal life because it is very dangerous and to be said that anybody that loves her will always gets into trouble or die. This drama series was an adaptation of Carlo J. Caparas and its a story of secrets, destiny and deception.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
New Craze Toy for Children
As I am waiting for my daughter in school yesterday, I noticed another mom bringing a toy named "bakugan". A toy that pre-school children especially boys went gaga of this gadget. As I borrow it from one mom, I can't barely understand how to play it besides the instructions were written in Sorry, It was new to my eyes and first time to encounter such toy. Here is the picture of bakugan toy that I browse at the net. Until now, I am still wondering if how to play this toy. Maybe I will just ask my nephew about this. hehehehe somebody help me?!!!

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Bloggers in Action
Janice's blog at
Their blogs is all about their personal lives, thoughts, day to day experiences and entertainment. Before you leave their site, please don't forget to post a comment. It will be highly appreciated. thanks!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Philam assured Planholders that they are strong and stable Company
People here in our country were devastated of the news that there are certain Pre Need Plans went on bankruptcy and never return the investments of the Policy Owner. There are lot of reasons why such this kind of companies need to declare losses in times of financial crisis. Plan holders work hard to save money in order to meet their obligations in paying their dues. But in spite of these chaos in preneed plan companies, Phil Am Plans assured that they are financially sound, as it remain to be stable and strongly capitalized company. The interest of every plan holders are protected with the company's financial strength and investment expertise. They will continue to provide our plan holders with the highest levels of service as we continue to write new business and remain committed to meeting our planholders need according to CEO Jose L. Cuisia Jr. According to the SEC that Philam Plans Trust Fund has sufficient assets that can be liquefied to cover availments as they fall due. Nowadays, Philam Plans Inc. is a leading pre-need firm offering pension, education and life plans. It is a subsidiary of the Philippine American Life and General Insurance Company, the largest and most diversified life insurance company in the Philippines. Whew! with this kind of news, it is a big relief for me because I was one of the policy owner who struggle to pay the educational plan of Keisha for 5 years. Not only that, also for my mom and sis, who has their pension and life plans. To Philam, more power to your company and continue to meet your obligations to every planholders.
Get the best drug treatment for your love one
Me and my family is looking for the best place or institution that offers a good treatment for people who are addicted to drugs. One of my relatives, who is now in his eight grade is having a drug problem. He can't stay away from it because his body is always seeking for the illegal drugs that he took a couple of months ago. He is using cocaine and marijuana. At first, I really don't know that he is into drugs because he is a very responsible person but as time goes by I have noticed that his health is in poor condition and he is always sleepy even at noon time. I asked him if there's something wrong with him and he answered me straight forward that he is into drugs. I said to him that lets find solution to your problem and I said to him that I will send you to a place where you can be properly treated. I browse immediately over the net and look for a site that offers the best drug treatment programme and luckily I found Promises, a site that offers and treats addiction to a variety of drugs and substances, including: Alcohol, Cocaine, Codeine, Heroin, Marijuana, Methamphetamine, Oxycodone, and many others. I am 100 percent convinced that James will gain back his health and self esteem after the treatment because they have one of the best drug treatments in town. For more information about their services just visit their site at
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