Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fiesta in January

The Christmas season has ended. Now its the time for Fiesta's. As the new month of the year 2009 begins , celebrations for Fiesta has lined up. In January, we celebrate 3 big events in different places. First, was the Feast of the Black Nazarene in Quaipo, Manila. It was held every 9th of January. It is crowded because masses of devotees push and shove as they get the chance to touch or even carry the image of Christ that was known as the Black Nazarene. Black Nazarene was believed to be the answer to all prayers and wishes to all devotees. It was dressed in Red velvet embroidered with gold threads. So, If you don't mind of the crowds, this is an event that should be experience. You must bring water, towel and don't wear anything valuable. Thieves in this occasion has their own feast too and also do not bring your children.

Second event was the Dinagyang Festival in Iloilo City. The Dinagyang Festival is a very colorful festival that the people are shouting the thundering words of "Hala Bira" and makes the celebration so lively. The highlights of the fiesta is the parade of dancers dancing in the streets to dramatized in honor of the Senyor Santo Niño shouting "Viva Señor Santo Niño". The big event will be on January 24 and 25. The city aims for the world record on biggest batchoy bowl. They aim to promote batchoy as a soup delicacy of Iloilo. Batchoy used to be only a mixture of broth, innards of pig, pork chicharon and other spices. But today, it has a variety of flavors like beef and even seafood batchoy. This will be a merriest event of the year for all Ilonggos as they serve their food for all streetchildren of Iloilo City.
The third big fiesta to celebrate was the Sinulog Festival. Sinulog is a dance ritual in honor of the miraculous image of the Santo Niño. The dance is performed to seek help from the Santo Niño and to thank Him for favors and blessings received. These Fiestas in January is a must see and be attended. You will surely enjoy all the festivities that will be held in every places. Happy Fiesta!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Witness dinagyang festival 2009!

Where to stay in Iloilo?
Here a list of Iloilo Hotels and Resorts (complete with contact infos.)

Hala bira Iloilo!

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