Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Child's burden in School through their Backpacks

I am worried to my child Keisha who is now in level 3 studying in a private school who carries all her things in school through backpacks. As if she's carrying the world-her textbooks, notebooks, baon and girly stuff on her small and fragile shoulders. Everyday she caries everything even though all her different textbooks may not be use all for one day. The school did not allow preschool students to use trolley or stroller bags so as to avoid accident to other children. Backpack may be practical carryall for kids school stuff but be aware that one day it may lead to a series of health concerns for children. Improper use of backpacks can really cause stress to the bones as well as the body. It can be source of damage to a child's spine. Carrying heavy loads could lead to medical problems such as muscle fatigue, scoliosis and spondylitis. So, to ease the burden everyday for Keisha, I have pack the right amount of things inside her bag and the rest will be left in our home, things that will not be needed on that particular day. I also teach her to carry her stuff in correct and safe way. Making sure that snug are not too tight and distributing the weight evenly and stabilize the load. Remind her also to rest if she starts feeling some discomfort while carrying the bag. It is more important to teach children the proper way in carrying their backpacks to avoid hunched backs later on. Child's bone are still developing so unnecessary stress on the young bones can alter its growth.

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