Thursday, March 13, 2008

Teach your kids to Eat Right

There's no end of talk these days about how much junk food our kids are eating. Tempting them away from the not-so-sensible food means offering irresistible alternatives, which isn't as difficult as it seems. Here are the suggestions of the food that children should be eating regularly to set them on the path to a lifetime of healthy eating.

Tomatoes contain lots of carotene's, which are especially useful in an anti-cancer sense. The most important , lycopene is released more on cooking. Something like tomato sauce with long cooking time is actually very good. All kids love tomato sauce in pasta, even if they don't like fresh tomato. Canned tomatoes is as good as fresh.

Wholegrain Bread

This is a great energy source. Being lower-GI than white, wholegrain bread's energy can sustain children longer. Wholegrain also contains fibre, antioxidants, minerals and vitamin B.


Kids either love or hate broccoli, but it it's extremely potent in the phytochemical sense. It's part of the cruciferous vegetable family and high in cancer-destroying chemicals. It also contains vitamin C and Folate. Broccoli has a high sulfur content and they tend to smell when overcooked. It is best to cook broccoli lightly.

Sweet potato

Sweet potato is a delicious and nutritious alternative to white potato. It is very appealing to kids in soup and spread with a little bit of oil and roasted in oven, makes a change from ordinary chips.


Rich in potassium and vitamin B6, the ever popular banana gives instant energy


Give us lot of calcium than most of us get, adding cheese as a taste boost to foods is a great way to get extra.

Soy and Tofu

Soy offers phyto-chemicals, which aren't available in may other foods and are particularly beneficial to reproductive health.

Baked Beans

A great source of protein, fibre and B vitamins, which help provide energy. Virtually fat-free and count as one of the daily vegetable portions. It can serve on toast.


Contains a very good type of soluble fibre not available in other cereals. It can prevent constipation and also protect against high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Kids need nourishing foods. It gives them more energy and makes them happy.

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