Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Red Cross

Last night, after we visit my father-in-law in the hospital , the doctor ordered that they needed blood for blood transfusion because his hemoglobin was low. I asked the doctor if I could possibly donated blood even if I am anemic, but Noel insisted not to let me donate it .So, Noel and I went to Claveria St. to be in Red Cross Building, bringing the doctor's request and Upon reaching there, the "man" explained to us that they could not give or sell blood unless we have to bring a donor, payment of P900 and produce the donor's card. He further explains to us that our donor would be our member of the family or relatives and we could not simply present person that is known to us that is willing to donate blood. And they are not selling blood because according to the "man" it is illegal and against the law. I still questioned him, what if the case was emergency and the blood is needed right away, he still answered that they need the doctor's request and we have to pay the certain amount for processing. To our dismay, we turn back, and think of persons we know and where we could possibly produce a donor. None of the members of the families could not donate blood because it was not compatible to my father--in-law's blood. Anyway, his blood type is A+. But then, when we are preparing to leave Red Cross Building, the "man" called us and offered another options, if we really needed the blood, he could supply us unless we will pay the amount of P1,500 for processing fee no refundable again even if we have or don't have the donor's card. Hah!At the back of my mind, We are here in front of you because we hardly needed the blood! Without any questions and delays,we purchase the blood pay it and went back to the hospital. Rules are rules. But If when someone is in need, I hope they are always there to be the No.1 to help. Nobody would go near them just to buy blood for nothing. Blood is important to a critical sick people and who are in the hospital . I do hope the Red Cross can help millions of people in saving lives.

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